New fan theory reveals what Dr Strange saw when he looked at the one winning possibility in Avengers Infinity War

    New fan theory reveals what Dr Strange saw when he looked at the one winning possibility in Avengers Infinity War

    Just when Reddit and Twitter users were running out of things to theorise about, Marvel Studios dropped the first trailer for Avengers: Endgame on December 7. And now, our feeds are once again brimming with theories and hypotheses about what is to come.

    In Avengers: Infinity War, we saw Doctor Strange swim through 14 million possible outcomes in their fight against Thanos. He said that the heroes won in only one of them. A new theory on Reddit has a bit of an idea about what Strange may have actually seen in that one winning possibility that would have saved the heroes.

    New fan theory reveals what Dr Strange saw when he looked at the one winning possibility in Avengers Infinity War

    The ‘theorist’ suggests that Strange decided to delay Thanos, fooling him with his magic and a fake Time Stone, only to buy Scott Lang enough time to enter the Quantum Realm (as we saw in the end credits of Ant-Man and the Wasp). We already know that Scott was saved from decimation when he entered the realm while his mates perished in the real world. So maybe, Strange was simply buying time before Scott safely entered the Quantum Realm.

    Here is the full post:

    So I think this chance all comes down to where Ant-Man was when the snap happened, I know the quantum realm had no effect on whether he was snapped or not but as we know, the snap is what got him stuck there, and the chances of the snap happening in the 10 seconds that Scott’s in the quantum realm is unbelievable

    when you think about it from strange’s perspective this means he has no idea why they win in one of the 14 million futures, but he knows in the future where they win he gives away the time stone and having tested 14 million futures where he did and didn’t do that, he also knew he had to give it away at a certain time

    this means strange gave away the time stone at the perfect moment that would make the snap happen while scott was in the quantum realm

    I personally believe this because giving away the time stone was something strange had total control over, as he kept it super hidden until he needed it

    Also keep in mind strange only would’ve known the winning outcome was made by the right action at the right time, he had no idea what happened in wakanda or why doing what he did worked, it wasn’t about saving Tony’s life or the avengers overcoming a probability of 1/14,000,000 - It was about things happening in a very very specific timeframe

    It does seem quite valid now that we know that Scott Lang will play an important role in the fourth Avengers movie. He featured at the very end of the trailer, asking Black Widow and Captain America to let him in. The film releases in April 2019.