Princess Merida redesigned by Disney; criticised by filmmaker Brenda Chapman

    Princess Merida redesigned by Disney; criticised by filmmaker Brenda Chapman

    Disney thought it fine to give their very own Princess Merida a redesigned look but it has not won a great liking from the Academy Award winning Brave co-director Brenda Chapman.

    As Chapman shared her views with a local daily, "I think it's atrocious what they have done toMerida.” To quote her more, "When little girls say they like it because it's more sparkly, that's all fine and good but, subconsciously, they are soaking in the sexy 'come hither' look and the skinny aspect of the new version. It's horrible!" She went on to explain, "Merida was created to break that mold — to give young girls a better, stronger role model, a more attainable role model, something of substance, not just a pretty face that waits around for romance.” Merida was announced to be the 11th princess to join Disney's character line but her earlier bold looks had to be modified in the course, by the company.

    Princess Merida redesigned by Disney; criticised by filmmaker Brenda Chapman

    According to a writer, the princess has gone through a "pretty pretty princess makeover." Disney has also been issued with a letter from, stating, "The redesign of Merida in advance of her official induction to the Disney Princess collection does a tremendous disservice to the millions of children for whom Merida is an empowering role model who speaks to girls' capacity to be change agents in the world rather than just trophies to be admired." Disney in response defended, "Merida exemplifies what it means to be a Disney Princess through being brave, passionate, and confident and she remains the same strong and determined Merida from the movie whose inner qualities have inspired moms and daughters around the world."