Ranbir Kapoor Says He'd Make Iron Man An Underdog If He Was Ever Given The Part: I Am A Big Fan Of The ‘Unexpected Triumph’

    Ranbir Kapoor Says He's Make Iron Man An Underdog

    Ranbir Kapoor Says He'd Make Iron Man An Underdog If He Was Ever Given The Part: I Am A Big Fan Of The ‘Unexpected Triumph’

    The more time that passes in the making of Ranbir Kapoor’s two big-ticket films Brahmastra and Shamshera, the audience's curiosity is roused and expectations soar about them. Also, the making of the films has deprived fans of seeing Ranbir on the big screen for over two years and on the rare occasion that the actor decided to give an interview, he still shied away from sharing any details on these two projects.

    Talking to Rajeev Masand, Ranbir when asked if he’s breaking away from his boy next door, underdog image that has given him all his big hits in his career with Shamshera and Brahmastra said, “Even if I got offered to play Iron Man I would make him an underdog … I think that’s just something that comes naturally to me. I am a big fan of the ‘unexpected triumph’, I like the audience to relate to my characters and not... I want my characters to have a relatable quality and not an aspirational quality.”

    Ranbir Kapoor Says He's Make Iron Man An Underdog If He Was Ever Given The Part: I Am A Big Fan Of The ‘Unexpected Triumph’

    “Shamshera and Brahmastra are these large-scale, action, big-ticket movies, so there is a preconceived notion,” he added giving away as little about his two films as possible. The actor confessed that whatever he learnt working on these two films over four years he’s already forgotten and moved on to his next few projects.

    Ranbir also admitted that he’s done with the heavy stuff for some time now.