May 10 Horoscope: Taurus' Romantic Initiative Will Not Go In Vain, Good Time For Leo To Invest; Read All Predictions

    May 10 Horoscope: See What The Day Has In Store For You

    May 10 Horoscope: Taurus' Romantic Initiative Will Not Go In Vain, Good Time For Leo To Invest; Read All Predictions

    Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and traits which tell us a lot about a person. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds are in your favour today.

    *Aries (March 21-April 20): Chance to add to your list of properties by buying an apartment or a freehold house is indicated. Getting an immovable asset through inheritance cannot be ruled out for some. Don’t take things lying down if someone hurts your sensibilities. Some good investment opportunities come your way. Your performance on the professional front is likely to come in for praise. Getting medical checkup done is likely to make you more health conscious. Those in a joint family will enjoy total harmony.

    Love Focus: Lover may refuse to be accommodating and may not do your bidding.

    Lucky Colour: Light Yellow

    Lucky Alphabet: K

    Friendly Numbers: 2, 9, 11

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Cancer

    Be careful of: Gemini

    *Taurus (April 21-May 20): Keeping spouse in a happy mood can get you what your heart desires. You may receive the possession letter for a property booked by you. Students will be able to crack the exams they had been preparing for.

    Money comes your way to make you financially secure. Impressing higher ups at work is likely to prove a big career boost. Adopting a diet that suits your lifestyle promises to keep you fit as a fiddle.

    Love Focus: Your initiative on the romantic front will not go in vain as you manage to get a positive response from the opposite number.

    Lucky Colour: Peach

    Lucky Alphabet: P

    Friendly Numbers: 17, 19

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Scorpio

    Be careful of: Libra

    *Gemini (May 21-June 21): Those trying to get the best price for their property may get lucky. Students can receive heartening news about their performance and are likely to make the parents proud. Remain a bit open-hearted on the social front. Financially, you remain on a safe wicket. Getting choice posting is indicated for those in uniform. Health improves as you bring more discipline into your life. Achievement of a family youngster will become a matter of pride for all.

    Love Focus: You are likely to please lover by spending time together.

    Lucky Colour: Light Green

    Lucky Alphabet: G

    Friendly Numbers: 9, 12

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Aries

    Be careful of: Taurus

    *Cancer (June 22-July 22): Your efforts to own property are likely to prove fruitful. You are likely to get a head start in a competition and will be able to cash on it. If you are planning something big, be meticulous in your planning. Some monetary perks are likely to be bestowed on you. Dealing only with priority work will free some time for your own self. Your aches and pains disappear as you adopt a new exercise regimen. Health of someone close feeling under the weather improves.

    Love Focus: Togetherness will strengthen the matrimonial bonds.

    Lucky Colour: Light Red

    Lucky Alphabet: N

    Friendly Numbers: 3, 6, 9

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Scorpio

    Be careful of: Virgo

    *Leo (July 23-August 23): A positive influence on health by changed lifestyle and self-discipline will be quite apparent. You will have enough to allow family members to splurge. A journey planned in advance may not go as per plans, due to circumstances beyond your control. Now is the time to invest in property, if you want good returns. People around you are likely to become your well wishers as you extend monetary help to them. You are slated to achieve something big on the professional front.

    Love Focus: Spending time together and exchanging sweet nothings is on the cards for those in love.

    Lucky Colour: Maroon

    Lucky Alphabet: J

    Friendly Numbers: 5, 15, 18

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & Cancer

    Be careful of: Aries

    *Virgo (August 24-September 23): Marital relations get strengthened through mutual sharing and caring. A great opportunity to own property may come to you. Students will be able to get the subjects of their choice. Previous savings are likely to come in handy now. Projecting your positive side to those who matter at work will not be difficult. Health that was causing concern sometime back will improve and make you bounce back to your old self again.

    Love Focus: Those meeting lover on the sly need to be careful.

    Lucky Colour: Dark Brown

    Lucky Alphabet: H

    Friendly Numbers: 2. 4, 6

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Sagittarius

    Be careful of: Aquarius

    *Libra (September 24-October 23): Improvement is indicated in the condition of those feeling down in the dumps. Showdown with spouse or a family member is possible and threaten to spoil the domestic environment. Financial restructuring is the need of the hour for those expanding business. You may be in the process of relocating yourself, so expect someone to go out of his or her way to help you out.

    Love Focus: An opposite number is likely to become interested in you and expect reciprocation.

    Lucky Colour: Saffron

    Lucky Alphabet: G

    Friendly Numbers: 3, 9, 12

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Libra

    Be careful of: Leo

    *Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Better understanding prevails with spouse, as you work together as a team to sort out some domestic issues. Students may have to put in extra hours for completing a pending project. Budgeting is likely to help you in saving. Sparing time to tie up all the loose ends at work may seem difficult and make you put in extra hours. You may set out on the path of attaining perfect health.

    Love Focus: Spouse is likely to throw a pleasant surprise by preparing your favourite dish.

    Lucky Colour: Light Red

    Lucky Alphabet: D

    Friendly Numbers: 8, 16

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Leo

    Be careful of: Libra

    *Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): You are likely to reach an amicable solution in a dispute with someone on the financial front. At work, you may get a bit rushed up in completing something urgent. Health should not be one of your worries as you feel on the top of the world today. This is the right time to be a mentor to a family youngster for his or her academic prospects.

    Love Focus: Make the setting right for the romance to rock!

    Lucky Colour: Sandy Brown

    Lucky Alphabet: S

    Friendly Numbers: 1, 11, 18

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Scorpio

    Be careful of: Taurus

    *Capricorn (December 22-January 21): A change of diet is what some of you require to come back in shape. Keep the domestic environment as light as possible today. Those looking for a suitable accommodation are likely to get lucky. Tackle the situation with tact and intelligence. Something introduced in retail outlets is likely to get a lukewarm response. You may have to stress upon the importance of a task, if you want wholehearted cooperation.

    Love Focus: Differences will need to be sorted out with lover urgently before they upset the relationship.

    Lucky Colour: Magenta

    Lucky Alphabet: A

    Friendly Numbers: 13, 21

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Libra

    Be careful of: Cancer

    *Aquarius (January 22-February 19): You are likely to grow financially stronger as newer avenues to make money come your way. Delays due to circumstances beyond your control may hamper progress of an important task. You will feel the difference in your fitness by adopting an exercise regimen. An awaited result may have you on pins and needles. An excellent day is foreseen for people operating from home. A smile is set to make your day, but don’t leave matters only at that!

    Love Focus: Laying bare your emotional side is likely to win sympathy from persons of the opposite gender.

    Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

    Lucky Alphabet: G

    Friendly Numbers: 6, 18

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Leo

    Be careful of: Gemini

    *Pisces (February 20-March 20): Your enthusiasm to make a family function successful will be most appreciated. Those associated with academics may have to burn the midnight oil. How to increase your earning power may become all-consuming for some. At work, you may have to complete something on a short notice. Some of you will be able to make good progress on the fitness front in coming back in shape.

    Love Focus: You can find something amiss in your romantic relationship.

    Lucky Colour: Electric Grey

    Lucky Alphabet: K

    Friendly Numbers: 2, 6, 8

    Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & Leo

    Be careful of: Taurus

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