Tracy Morgan stable but not out of danger

    Tracy Morgan stable but not out of danger

    A statement has been issued reporting actor-comedian Tracy Morgan, who was severely injured following a car accident and was quite critical, has responded to treatment and is improving. The statement has been issued by Morgan’s spokesperson, Lewis Kay, on Thursday, June 12.

    Tracy Morgan stable but not out of danger

    The statement puts in, “Today was a better day. While Tracy remains in critical, but stable, condition, he continues to show signs of improvement. His medical team remains optimistic that his recovery is progressing.  Megan remains by his side and is relaying the countless good wishes and prayers that his family, friends and fans have been sending their way.” The statement also provided a health update of Morgan’s assistant, 36-year-old Jeff Millea, who was also injured in the mishap. The update reported, “In addition, Jeff’s wife asked us to pass along that Jeff has also shown much improvement over the past few days.  She is very thankful for the love and support she and their family continue to receive.”

    Apart from Morgan and Millea five others were also victimised when Morgan’s limo was collided with a truck last Saturday in New Jersey. The severe crash killed comedian Jimmy McNair while other passengers were left with critical injuries. The truck driver, Kevin Roper, has been charged with offences like vehicular homicide and assault by auto. Roper was allegedly driving a Walmart truck while being sleepy and couldn’t perceive the slowing traffic ahead of his vehicle. Consequently he crashed into the limo which lost control and toppled. Roper, who pleaded not guilty to the charges framed against him, is likely to face 15 years imprisonment, if found guilty. On Sunday Morgan underwent a leg surgery and his family denied all rumours that his leg had to be amputated. Morgan is also suffering from a broken nose, broken ribs and a broken femur. He needs to stay in the hospital for several weeks now. We wish Morgan a speedy recovery.