Author: Achu Krishnan
This series was created by Wataru Watanabe and follows Sakamichi Onoda, who joins his school's bicycle racing club.
This series was created by Yōichi Takahashi and follows Tsubasa Oozora, who dreams of playing for the Japanese Football team.
This series was created by George Morikawa and follows Ippo Makunouchi, who joins a Boxing club.
This series was created by Takehiko Inoue and follows Hanamichi Sakuragi, who joins his high school Basketball team.
This series was created by Haruichi Furudate and follows Shoyo Hinata, who joins his high school Volleyball team.
This series was created by Tadatoshi Fujimaki and follows Tetsuya Kuroko, who dreams of making his team the best in Japan.