Sequel sins: Unveiling 6 disastrous follow-ups to iconic films

Author: Achu Krishnan

Sets sail but lacks momentum, drowning in a sea of disappointment, a sequel adrift without its driving force.

Speed 2: Cruise Control

A misguided attempt to follow a cult classic, losing its edge in a forgettable, uninspired sequel.

American Psycho 2

An ill-conceived follow-up to a classic, masking disappointment with lackluster comedy and forgettable characters.

Son of the Mask

A forced encore lacking charm, failing to capture the magic of its predecessor, leaving audiences unenthused.

Miss Congeniality 2

A misguided sequel dances away from its predecessor's success, stumbling in its attempt to recapture Saturday Night Fever's glory.

Staying Alive

A lackluster sequel fails to live up to its predecessor's charm, leaving families stranded in disappointment.

Daddy Day Camp