Kishore Kumar's best movies in his loving memory: A man with a golden heart and voice

Author: Khushi Chugh

Kishore Kumar, the man with a golden voice and touch in cinema, left us with melodies and movies to cherish forever. Let's dive into his must-watch films.

Voice of an era

Three brothers with an intense aversion to women until their world takes a U-turn when a gorgeous woman unpredictably swerves into their lives.

Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi

As Anjana returns from her furlough, she discovers that her heart's compass is pointing straight to Jhumroo, but her father's disapproval becomes a roadblock.


Anand's grand lie as he moves to New Delhi as a faux Tamilian leads to a delightful tangle of dosa-sized deceptions when he falls in love with Janaki, his landlord's daughter.

New Delhi

Kishore ventures to Bombay to see his cousin Raj, a certified heartbreaker. Little did he know, Raj would redefine family trouble  by framing him for a crime.


Wealthy widower Ramlal is on a mission to find high-net-worth hearts for his daughters, but his biggest conundrum is handling his son's obsession with movies.

Pyar Kiye Jaa