Comedy catastrophes: 6 movies you'll want to skip 

Author: Achu Krishnan

A cringe-worthy attempt at humor, filled with tasteless jokes and painfully unfunny moments.

Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star

A disastrous sequel, lacking charm or wit, it falls flat with forced humor and forgettable performances.

Son of the Mask

A misguided attempt at humor, failing to capture the wit and charm of its iconic characters, disappointing fans.

Holmes & Watson

A juvenile comedy with stale humor and a lackluster plot, failing to deliver laughs or entertainment.

The Master of Disguise

A cringe-inducing comedy with poor writing and juvenile humor, best avoided for a more enjoyable movie experience.


Follow Officer Nolan's journey as he navigates the challenges of being a rookie cop in the bustling city of Los Angeles.

Jack and Jill