Bollywood and the Bard: All the drama, but with a desi twist

Author: Khushi Chugh

To watch or not to watch, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take a seat and enjoy the film.

Shakespeare meets Bollywood

The movie transposes Macbeth's story to the Mumbai underworld, where two rival gangs battle for power. It's a power game of Monopoly but with bullets.

Maqbool (2003)

 Based on Shakespeare's Comedy of Error, the movie follows two sets of twins who are separated at birth and how hilarity ensues when the twins mix up their identities.

Angoor (1982)

This adaptation of Hamlet depicts revenge as a dish best served cold, like the hills of Kashmir, with Haider seeking revenge for his father's death.

Haider (2014)

 Omkara is a Bollywood adaptation of Shakespeare's classic tragedy Othello. Moral of the story? Don't trust anyone, especially if you are a gangster.

Omkara (2006)

 The film is based on Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and follows the story of three couples who become entangled in a mix-up of love.

10ml LOVE (2012)