6 quotes by boss lady Priyanka Chopra Jonas to live by

Author: Shivani A

"We are complete as ourselves, and our flaws make us unique. Perfection is boring anyway. As soon as you find and identify your flaws, there’s no one who can be like you."

Be different

"Every girl needs to be financially independent so you’re not just someone’s wife or daughter or sister. Your identity will be defined by your ability to be independent."

Be independent 

"I don't like the word 'glass ceiling'. It puts my ambition in a box. It doesn't mean that glass ceilings don't exist. It does. But I want to be more than that."

Don't limit yourself!

"Ambition is a word associated with women negatively. People say she’s too ambitious. Why is that a bad thing?"

Pursue your dreams

"I taught myself confidence. When I'd walk into a room and feel scared to death, I'd tell myself, 'I'm not afraid of anybody.' And people believed me. "

Be confident 

"Black, brown, white, yellow - why are we always talking about colours? I'm a girl. I believe in a global community."
