6 hilariously bad sci-fi movies you'll love anyway

Author: Achu Krishnan

A cult classic of unintentional hilarity, this sci-fi film showcases cheesy effects and absurd storytelling, delightfully bad.

Plan 9 from Outer Space

M. Night Shyamalan's unintentionally funny eco-horror, infamous for awkward dialogue and bizarre plot twists, making it hilariously entertaining.

The Happening

A surreal journey into bizarre sci-fi, marked by Sean Connery's iconic red loincloth, convoluted plot, and unforgettable campy charm.


A laughably bad yet strangely entertaining sci-fi adventure with implausible science, over-the-top performances, and unintentional hilarity that defies gravity.

The Core

Unintentionally humorous space opera, with melodramatic storytelling and over-the-top CGI, creating an unexpectedly enjoyable spectacle.

Jupiter Ascending

A sci-fi disaster turned cult classic, known for overacting, ludicrous plot, and a memorable performance by John Travolta.

Battlefield Earth