Author: Achu Krishnan

6 fantastic films tarnished by one weak performances

A masterpiece marred as Emily Ratajowski's performance struggled, casting a shadow on an otherwise stellar ensemble cast.

Gone Girl

The movie suffers from Sofia Coppola's miscast role, dimming the brilliance of an iconic cinematic trilogy.

The Godfather 3

Elvis falters with Tom Hanks's unconvincing portrayal, a surprising misstep that weakens the film's attempt at capturing the King's essence.


The movie stumbles with Cameron Diaz's out-of-place performance, overshadowing the film's gritty historical portrayal and stellar cast.

 Gangs of New York

Hindered by Keanu Reeves' miscasting—a jarring element that distracts from the film's otherwise captivating narrative and performances.

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Strained by Russell Crowe's off-key performance, a discordant note in an otherwise harmonious musical masterpiece.

 Les Miserables