Mahabharat actor Nitish Bharadwaj ends second marriage, says 'Children suffer the most when a family breaks down'

    Nitish Bharadwaj revealed he has parted ways with wife Smita Gate who is not living in Indore with their two daughters. Talks about what leads marriages to break.

    Mahabharat actor Nitish Bharadwaj ends second marriage, says 'Children suffer the most when a family breaks down'

    Mahabharat star Nitish Bharadwaj has announced his separation from his wife of 12 years Smita Gate. The actor who is much revered for his portrayal of Lord Krishna in the B.R. Chopra directed mythological TV series said that he had filed for divorce September 2019 in Mumbai’s Family Court.

    Nitish’s two daughters and his IAS wife Smita now live in Indore. The actor confirmed his speration in an interview with Bombay Times and without revealing much about the reasons he said, “All I can say is that sometimes divorce can be more painful than death as you live with an amputated core.”

    This is the second divorce for the actor who was previously married to Monisha Patil. Married in 1991 they parted ways after a divorce in 2005. They have two kids together a son and a daughter. Nitish tied the knot for the second time in the year 2009 with Smita and has twin daughters with her.

    After his two failed marriages, Nitish said that he still have faith in the institution of marriage. “I am a firm believer in the institution, but I have been unlucky. Generally, the reasons for the breakdown of a marriage can be infinite, sometimes it’s because of an uncompromising attitude or lack of compassion or it could be a result of ego and self-centred thinking. But it’s the children who suffer the most when a family breaks down. So, the onus is on the parents to ensure that there’s minimum collateral damage that their children have to go through,” he further told the publication.

    Nitish refused to comment on whether he is allowed to see his daughters of not post separation.