Ameer Sultan replaced in Annakodiyum Kodiveeranum with son?

If reports are to be believed then actor Ameer Sultan has been replaced bynoted filmmaker Bharathiraja in his upcoming film Annakodiyum Kodiveeranum because he wascausing trouble between technicians and the producers council. However, the director-actor hasbeen replaced by none other than his own son Manoj. According to reports, Ameer was foundto be the reason behind the ongoing tussle between technicians and producers council, so thedirector took the decision of replacing him in order to save other actors dates which werebeing wasted. Karthika is doing the role of the lead heroine opposite Manoj in AnnakodiyumKodiveeranum, while Iniya will be playing the second female lead.
Updated: May 01, 2014 03:08 AM IST
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