Teenager Accuses Fault In Our Stars Fame Ansel Elgort Of Sexually Molesting Her

    Teenager Accuses Ansel Elgort Of Sexually Molesting Her

    Teenager Accuses Fault In Our Stars Fame Ansel Elgort Of Sexually Molesting Her

    The MeToo movement saw a wave of sexual exploitation cases across the globe being spoken about. Many took to social media and shared their ordeal on how big Hollywood producers/directors and some actors had physically molested them on various occasions and threatened them to not speak about this as their image will be at stake. Consequently, Kevin Spacey was accused by multiple victims and now his Baby Driver co-star Ansel Elgort has been accused of sexual assault by a twitter user.

    A Twitter user too shared her ordeal and misery about how Ansel forced himself on her against her will and she also shared that she was 17-year-old in 2014 when this incident took place. In a lengthy note shared by the user on the micro-blogging site, she stated being a very big fan of Ansel and because of that she directly messaged him. But to her surprise, Ansel not only replied to her, he added her on his private messaging Snapchat.

    She further went on to reveal, Ansel had intercourse with her despite knowing that she was underage and she also described how she kept sobbing but Ansel didn’t stop. She wrote, "I didn’t want to do it, the only words that came out of his mouth were ‘we need to break you in.'"  And not just this, the user also shared screen grabs of their chats and a picture of them together. She also stated that Ansel told her to not share this incident with anyone, as it will ruin his career.

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