These Pictures Are Proof Of Anil Kapoor's Jhakkas Transformation
He's better known as Sonam Kapoor's father today, but, Anil Kapoor was a rage in his time and women wouldn't even talk about the Khans! His signature moves, jhakkas style and effortless acting, both in rom coms and action movies made him a versatile star.
Anil hasn't had an easy time working his way up from living in a chaul in Mumbai to a palatial house. He shed his sweat and blood, but mind it, not his hair! The star is often joked upon for flaunting his body hair, which funnily made him a potential brand ambassador for hair removal cremes. Nevertheless, what they say about actresses aging like wine, we can easliy say that for Anil Kapoor. The man has undergone extreme tranformation since he began, and here he is, stunning at 60 with unmatched swag. Check out his journey here: