Matthew McConaughey is alright, alright, alright about Donald Trump

    Matthew McConaughey is alright, alright, alright about Donald Trump

    While several Hollywood celebrities have been openly criticizing Donald Trump, actor Matthew McConaughey is ready to give the new President a chance.

    During an interview with ChannelFi, the 47-year-old Oscar winner said it is time to make peace with Trump, reported People magazine.

    When asked if Americans need to give the president a break, McConaughey said, “Well, they don’t have a choice now.He’s our president. And it’s very dynamic and as divisive of an inauguration and time as we’ve had.

    “At the same time, it’s time for us to embrace and shake hands with this fact and be constructive with him over the next four years.”

    However, it’s unclear if the interview took place before or after Trump’s controversial immigration ban.

    Many of McConaughey’s fellow actors, such as Jennifer Lawrence, Mia Farrow and Alyssa Milano, have spoken out against the ban.