Drew Barrymore shares her beauty secrets, and why she doesn't believe in needles

    Drew Barrymore shares her beauty secrets, and why she doesn't believe in needles

    Actor Drew Barrymore is confident that at least for another 10 years, she won’t be relying on facial fillers to maintain her looks.

    Drew Barrymore shares her beauty secrets, and why she doesn't believe in needles

    “I would say 90% of my life, I wear zero make-up,” she said, adding that she relies on Flower’s Skincognito Stick Foundation “because it covers blue, red, brown, purple,” as well as one new lipstick shade every month, reports people.com.

    As far as her skin is concerned, the star says she swears by using toners, esthetician Christine Chin’s skincare products, and washing her face diligently three times a day.

    While she doesn’t have much time for facials or treatments, she does clear her schedule once a year when she sees doctor Roy Geronemus for a “barnacle removal”.

    “He treats my face like the bow of a boat,” she said.

    The 41-year-old says she also lets laser treatments take care of the summer’s sun spots every October.

    But there are zero needles in her near future.

    “He knows I’m not going to do anything beyond lasers, so he doesn’t even bother talking about it. He did suggest some fillers the last time I was there. I was like: ‘Not happening, Dr G! Talk to me in 10 years.’ I’m not putting anything in my face until it’s so bad I have nothing to lose.”