Donald Trump is dividing America: Grammy-winning rapper Macklemore

    Donald Trump is dividing America: Grammy-winning rapper Macklemore

    American hip-hop artist Benjamin Hammond Haggerty, or Macklemore, as he is popularly called, made sure that his maiden gig in Pune was a memorable one. The 33-year-old spoke at length about his connection with India, but the highlight of the 90-minute performance by the Grammy award-winning rapper was when he spoke out against American President, Donald Trump.

    Donald Trump is dividing America: Grammy-winning rapper Macklemore

    “What Donald Trump is trying to do right now is divide human beings. America is beautiful melting pot of culture and diversity, and people from all over stay here. America is a country full of immigrants. My great grandparents immigrated from Ireland. What he is trying to do is to divide people according to the God they believe in,” he said, adding, “... he’s trying to divide them according to invisible man-made lines, that are drawn in the sand and they are not real. I believe, that this human race is bigger than the limitations that we put on it. I believe in love over hatred. Hatred can never drive out the light that is unconditional love.” The crowd cheered him on as he made his thoughts about Trump clear.

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    He later followed his remarks with a song titled, F**k Donald Trump. The two minute song was aimed at all the policies advocated by Trump, and the musician finished it off by giving the President — the bird ( famously called the middle finger)