Salma Hayek talks openly on her acne depressive spells
Updated : April 30, 2014 12:04 PM IST
Desperado fame, Salma Hayek was shocked and depressed to see acne onher face years back. Famous for her blessed skin, Hayek broke out with pimples during her mid-20s and gorged on food to gain weight, the Daily Mail online reported. "You want to talk aboutbad skin? I had acne. And this acne was so bad it sent me into severe, severe depression. LikeI couldn't leave the house. The next stage with that sort of depression is food - too little or toomuch. Guess what I did. I was fat and broken out. I couldn't leave the house and I couldn't paythe rent," she said.
Updated : April 30, 2014 12:04 PM IST
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