Beyonce Knowles back into shape in just 3 months after baby delivery
Updated : May 01, 2014 03:08 AM IST
Hollywood pop sensation Beyonce Knowles, who delivered a baby girl inJanuary this year, has lost all her extra pounds and is back into shape to the delight of her fans.The singer has denied putting herself on any strict diet regime for getting thin and creditedbreastfeeding for losing the weight, Showbiz spy online reported. "I lost most of my weightfrom breastfeeding and I encourage women to do it, it's just so good for the baby and good foryourself, she said. "I counted calories. I worked out maybe three to four times a week. I did a lot of walking in the beginning and now I'm running. But I had to work my way up. I couldn't just goright from being pregnant to running," the R&B; singer added. However, Beyonce accepted thatshe had gone through a short beauty regime before the birth of baby Blue Ivy. "I did have a fresheyebrow wax. I got my nails done, I got my feet done, had my hair done and I had my little lipgloss."