'We have neglected our film heritage in Kerala', rues Mohanlal, seeks to restore three iconic movies

    Mohanlal has stressed the importance of saving India’s film legacy, stating that he hopes to restore three of his most cherished films: Vanaprastham, Vasthuhara, and Kaalapani.

    Mohanlal in Devadoothan

    Mohanlal in Devadoothan

    Malayalam superstar Mohanlal has voiced his concern over the loss of iconic Indian films due to the lack of proper preservation, especially in Kerala. Reflecting on his early years in cinema, the veteran actor revealed the difficulties of tracking down reels from his past films, many of which were shot on celluloid.

    Expressing his support for the upcoming Film Preservation & Restoration Workshop India 2024, set to be held in Thiruvananthapuram, Mohanlal underscored the importance of preserving Kerala’s film legacy. “Due to our obliviousness, we have neglected our film heritage in Kerala, resulting in the loss of many of our fabulous films,” he said.

    "I know that if I begin to search for negatives and even prints of my films in which I have acted, they would be difficult to find. A workshop of this kind if truly welcome and much needed in our state to preserve our films and make people aware of its significance to our Kerala," he added. 

    Having been a part of the industry for nearly 50 years and appearing in close to 370 films, Mohanlal emphasized the urgency of preserving original camera negatives, which deteriorate over time. He mentioned his desire to restore three of his cherished films: Vanaprastham, Vasthuhara, and Kaalapani.

    “I sincerely hope people from all over the country, especially from our state, will participate in the workshop to learn how to save our film heritage,” he added. Though unable to attend the sessions himself, Mohanlal encouraged others to prioritize preservation, reminding everyone that “today’s films will be tomorrow’s heritage.”