Demonte Colony 2 on OTT: Where to watch this horror-thriller post-theatrical run

    The highly anticipated Tamil horror thriller Demonte Colony 2 has secured a streaming deal ahead of its theatrical release next week.

    Demonte Colony 2 poster

    Demonte Colony 2 poster

    The upcoming Tamil movie Demonte Colony 2 has secured a streaming partner even before its theatrical release next week. The film will be available for streaming on ZEE5 after its run in theatres. Additionally, the film's satellite rights have been picked up by the ZEE network.

    This is a positive development for Demonte Colony 2, especially considering the uncertainties of the box office market. In recent times, most Tamil movies have struggled to secure profitable pre-release deals with streaming platforms, which have become a primary revenue stream for producers, second only to theatrical revenue. Unlike in the past, revenue from the sale of satellite rights has significantly diminished. While big-budget movies with top-star casts may find many buyers, medium-budget films with non-star casts often struggle to secure digital and satellite partnerships.

    The Tamil film industry is collectively working on devising new strategies to cut production costs and implement practices that enable the industry to rely more on streaming deals to offset box office losses. Currently, most Tamil movies arrive on streaming platforms within four weeks of their theatrical debut. However, this is likely to change, as producers plan to delay streaming releases in favour of an extended theatrical run.

    Despite not boasting a huge star cast, Demonte Colony 2 seems to have performed well in terms of non-theatrical revenue. This suggests that the franchise has strong recall value, which has instilled confidence in the stakeholders.

    Filmmaker Ajay Gnanamuthu made an impressive debut with the horror thriller Demonte Colony in 2015. Nearly a decade later, he has revived the franchise, retaining the main cast from the original film. The sequel stars Arulnithi, Priya Bhavani Shankar, and Archana Ravichandran, among others. Demonte Colony 2 is due in cinemas on August 15.