'Centering around superman’s heritage': James Gunn's fresh spin on 'Superman: Legacy' revealed

    James Gunn and Peter Safran introduced a new Superman movie, 'Superman: Legacy', as part of their revamped DC Universe, with a release set for July 11, 2025. Gunn takes on the roles of director and scriptwriter, bringing a fresh approach to the classic superhero's story.

    <p>James Gunn and Peter Safran (Source: Adweek)</p>

    James Gunn and Peter Safran (Source: Adweek)

    "It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's 'Superman: Legacy'!" Yes, dear fans, as reported by Polygon, there's a fresh installment coming to the DC Universe, brought to life by the creative power duo, James Gunn and Peter Safran. This new flight into superhero action is part of an ambitious slate of 10 projects, spearheaded by the co-chiefs of Warner Bros.' DC Studios, set to reinvent your comic book fantasies starting in 2025.

    The Man of Steel gets a makeover

    "Is it a dream? Is it a nightmare?" No, Henry Cavill fans, it's just the hard truth. The actor who defined Superman for a generation in 2013’s 'Man of Steel' will not be donning the iconic red cape in this new venture. Who will step into those formidable red boots remains a mystery, but Gunn has hinted at a fresher, younger Clark Kent, with one foot in the Daily Planet and another soaring high in the sky.

    The Story: A Legacy Revealed

    "Great Caesar’s ghost!" With Gunn pulling the strings, Superman: Legacy aims to delve into the depths of the Man of Steel's dual heritage. As Gunn put it, the film will focus on "how both his aristocratic Kryptonian parents and his Kansas farmer parents inform who he is and the choices he makes." Expect a rich exploration of identity in this youth-skewed reboot.

    James Gunn: Wielding the Pen and the Lens

    "Up, up, and away!" After initially passing on the project, James Gunn has come on board as both the writer and director of 'Superman: Legacy.' According to his tweets, he initially felt he lacked a unique perspective on the superhero story. But after finally finding a storyline that resonated, he accepted the task of scripting. Gunn confessed, "Just because I write something doesn’t mean I feel it in my bones, visually and emotionally, enough to spend over two years directing it, especially not something of this magnitude.” Nevertheless, his love for the script ultimately convinced him to direct the movie himself. This marks Gunn’s first directorial project post-'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3' and his first DC Universe venture since 'Suicide Squad' in 2021.

    Guardians of Galaxy (Source: Digital Spy)

    The Legacy Begins...

    Can't wait to return to the world of comic-book action? "Look, up in the sky!" 'Superman: Legacy' is set to land in theaters on July 11, 2025, marking the first release in the new era of the DC Universe, even ahead of 'The Batman Part 2.' Clear your schedules, because a new era of the DC Universe is about to unfold!

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