'What a duo that would be': Kate Beckinsale's dream of Underworld-Blade crossover revisited

    Revisiting the year 2021 when Kate Beckinsale expressed her eagerness for an 'Underworld'-‘Blade’ crossover movie.

    'What a duo that would be': Kate Beckinsale's dream of Underworld-Blade crossover revisited

    Remember when Hollywood's siren, Kate Beckinsale, expressed her wish for an "Underworld"-"Blade" crossover? As we look back two years, the excitement in her voice still resonates today.

    Beckinsale, famous for her action-packed portrayal of Selene in the "Underworld" series, revealed at the premiere of "Jolt" in 2021 that she was "highly doubtful" another sequel was in the works. However, her enthusiasm for the character remained untouched. "I really wanted them to do an 'Underworld'-'Blade' mashup. What a duo that would be," she admitted, according to Variety. Unfortunately, the idea was sidestepped as the focus remained on the "Blade" reboot.

    For Beckinsale, slipping back into the role of the powerful vampire wasn't a daunting task. "I would definitely do that," she said, keeping her passion for the character alive. In fact, she revealed that she still has a pair of Selene's iconic black leather pants. "I know exactly where they are. You never know who you want to impress."

    Sadly, the envisioned "Underworld"-"Blade" crossover never came to fruition. But that didn't douse Beckinsale's dream of seeing these two characters joining forces on the big screen. The idea of a Selene and Blade team-up was left hanging in the air, and who knows what the future of Hollywood might hold?

    As we delve into the archives, Beckinsale's vision offers a tantalizing glimpse into what could have been an electrifying crossover. In the world of ever-evolving cinematic universes, a crossover of such magnitude may still be a possibility. For now, we can only imagine and dream alongside Kate Beckinsale.

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