"Super Scary": Billie Eilish's Terrifying Encounter With a Shirtless Stalker at Her L.A Home

    Billie Eilish shares her "super scary" encounter with a shirtless man who trespassed onto her property, leading the singer to seek court-ordered protection.

    Billie Eilish (Source: Dailyo)

    Billie Eilish (Source: Dailyo)

    "When I Flipped on the Lights": Billie Eilish's Nightmarish Realization of a Shirtless Intruder

    Ever have that feeling someone's watching you? Billie Eilish sure did when she made the alarming discovery of a shirtless man loitering around her Los Angeles home, a plot twist so twisted it would make her lyrics blush. "Super scary" is how the "Bad Guy" songstress described it, as reported by TMZ.

    Trespassing 101: Billie Eilish's Home Becomes a 'Shirtless Stage' for an Uninvited Fan

    Billie Eilish (Source: Vogue)

    Billie Eilish claims she has security footage showcasing a 23-year-old man, named Raymond Black, turning her property into his personal shirtless domain. According to Eilish, Black had not only infiltrated her property but also helped himself to her outdoor shower as he awaited her return. It's like a Hollywood thriller, except it's depressingly real.

    "Causing Me Anxiety": Eilish Takes Legal Action to Escape the Shirtless Nightmare

    After the disturbing episode, Eilish hightailed it to the courthouse, seeking court-ordered protection against Black. "I called 911," Billie said, recounting her actions after finding a shirtless Black separated only by a glass window on her pool deck. The police arrived within minutes, scoured her property, but the shirtless invader had vanished. They ultimately caught him strolling on a nearby street.

    This unnerving encounter wasn't the first run-in with Black. Eilish revealed that the same man had previously shown up at her parents' home and even visited her residence last year while it was under construction. This continual harassment is "causing me anxiety, fear, and emotional distress," Billie noted.

    Though the authorities acted swiftly, arresting the shirtless trespasser, it seems the singer won't be singing a happy tune anytime soon. She's now asking a judge for a temporary restraining order to protect not just herself but her parents as well. The world may be full of bad guys, but this one feels all too real for Eilish.

    Talk about life imitating art — but sometimes, art is far better left to the imagination, don't you think?

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