Shahana Goswami on how she manifested her film Santosh to be at the Oscars| EXCLUSIVE

    After having done films like Rock On, Ra.One, Midnight's Children, Heroine, Zwigato, Bombay Begums and other projects, the lady is at the threshold of creating history with Santosh, which has now got selected as the UK’s official submission to the Oscars 2025!

    Shahana Goswami on how she manifested Santosh to be at the Oscars| EXCLUSIVE

    Shahana Goswami on how she manifested Santosh to be at the Oscars| EXCLUSIVE

    Shahana Goswami needs no introduction. After having done films like Rock On, Ra.One, Midnight's Children, Heroine, Zwigato, Bombay Begums and many others, the lady is at the threshold of creating history. Her latest film Santosh has now got selected as the UK’s official submission to the Oscars 2025!

    Desi Martini caught up with Shahana Goswami for an exclusive interview wherein she spoke all about her film Santosh, her role in the film amongst other interesting things.

    Shahana, now that Santosh is all set to shine at the Oscars, has the feeling sunk in?
    Oh! To tell you the very fact… I'm just living in the moment. Of course, there's an element of surprise as everything is being suddenly realized. This is the kind of stuff which one thinks of in fantasies and dreams. And even at such times (fantasies and dreams), one always thinks that it seems like a distant thing.

    But, let me tell you that, even as a kid, I would sit and practice giving award speeches and also pretend like I'm standing around with people whom I have always admired like the actors from the industry. And, then, suddenly one day, to be working with them and sitting with them as friends is all so very surreal. All of these and much more have been happening in my life for a while now (smiles).

    Would you like to call it manifestation or did you ever manifest such things around you?
    Most people talk about manifestation as something that ‘You will… from your desire into it, coming into creation! But I somehow feel like one’s destiny is sort of mapped out anyway and as you are going along your path, when you are meant to meet your destiny… your desire gets activated in you.

    Sounds interesting! Please continue…
    Once that desire gets activated in you, you can make an effort and walk towards that and what is meant to come your way, will anyway come your way. So, if I were to sit and explain rationally what my life has been and how I've ended up being where I am… it will make no sense, because there's a reason for anyone to not have succeeded, or not have made it or not or have missed the boat. So, I can't really attribute it to my own doing or someone else's. That’s why, I go with the flow, and I enjoy the marvels of it, and I also enjoy the realistic understanding of it.

    How did you first get to know about the news about Santosh being the UK entry that is being sent to the Oscars?
    Internally, we got to know a day earlier, courtesy, my producer. It was funny, because he actually called to talk to me about something else. Assuming that I knew about it, he asked me, ‘Oh, have you heard?’. And I said, ‘No, what?’. And then he told me about our film Santosh and the Oscars.

    What was your first reaction upon hearing the news?
    Of course, I was super excited. I exclaimed and screamed with happiness on the phone itself…! Honestly, I did not even think of Santosh making it, once Laapata Ladies had got announced. I didn't even think of any kind of possibility.

    Here, I would like to mention that, once, out of the blue and just for the lark, I had told my entire team that, ‘the way we are working hard on the film, it will go to the Cannes and Oscars’! And look… here we are!

    I would also like to clarify to a lot of people who are super excited with the news that the film has gone to the Oscars. Let me tell everyone that our film Santosh has not got a nomination yet, as it has been submitted for selection from the UK. I am happy that we stand a chance and an opportunity to be considered.

    What does your gut feeling say about the film’s prospects at the Oscars?
    (laughs). My gut says that our film will get selected!

    You are someone who is known for your chirpy and bubbly nature, both on screen and off it. On the other hand, your character in the film Santosh does not have too much dialogue. Were you ok with it?
    For me, it’s the complete opposite. As an actor, I am vivacious, conversational and jerky. That’s why I always prefer to play quieter parts. This is because I feel like one’s eyes and their body language are already acting. There's so much that gets picked up that one doesn't need so many dialogues.

    And I actually have always found it easier to act without dialogues, which, I feel, has got a lot to do with my trained dance background. Here (in the film Santosh), I am playing a character from a very different milieu that I have no experiential knowledge of, in terms of reality and lived reality and of course, the manner of speaking as well!

    You have worked with male directors as well as female directors. Do you find / feel any difference in their style of working?
    I get asked this question quite often. I think that people mistake gender for talent. I do agree with the fact that there haven't been that many female directors and female voices in terms of storytelling. There is an overall societal difference that has been created. Additionally, there is also the general narrative that has been there in society forever that ‘Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus’.

    Firstly, we forget that not all physical female forms are necessarily more feminine and then masculine. Each of us have feminine and masculine in varying degrees. I have come across many men who are way more feminine in their nature and in their being. And when I say feminine, I don't mean effeminate female qualities.

    I have seen a lot of females who have a lot more masculine energy in terms of their personality. So, at the end of the day, what really signifies a difference in how people interact as a director, as a leader has to do with their personality. It has very little to do with their gender. And I've been very lucky to work with really wonderful, very gentle, very sensitive male directors!

    Is it true that you were offered the role in Santosh after the makers saw you at the premiere of Zwigato?
    Actually, Sanjay Bishnoi and Mukesh Chhabra were both there for the premiere. And, after watching the film, they were also simultaneously in the middle of helping for the cast for Santosh, and they were looking for an actor to play the role of Santosh. The next very day, they called me and told me to come immediately.

    How has life changed post Santosh?
    It’s just been a day after the news broke out. Ever since then, I have been talking to journalists amidst an ocean of congratulatory messages. This moment has brought lots of appreciation for the film and getting attention for the film. I think this will help the film reach a wider audience.

    Any plans of trying your hand in direction?
    Direction was always a part of the plan since the time I was young.

    What next after Santosh?
    There are a couple of projects I am in talks with. But these are in the nascent stages. I will surely tell you when the time is right.