Rajinikanth's Vettaiyan to avoid clash with Suriya's Kanguva: Here's the actual reason

    Rajinikanth's highly anticipated film Vettaiyan is likely to be rescheduled to avoid a direct clash with Suriya's Kanguva. Initially set for release on October 10, Vettaiyan will now hit theatres during Deepavali.

    <p>Kanguva and Vettaiyan</p>

    Kanguva and Vettaiyan

    As things stand, Superstar Rajinikanth's Vettaiyan is unlikely to release in cinemas on October 10 to avoid a clash with Suriya's highly anticipated movie Kanguva. Cash-strapped Lyca Productions seems to have decided to avert the risk that may add to its financial woes.

    Several months ago, Lyca Productions confirmed that Vettaiyan would arrive in cinemas on October 10. Rajinikanth shot the movie non-stop under the pressure of the deadline. The film is already in post-production, with director TJ Gnanavel working towards the October release.

    The producers' plans faced an unexpected challenge when KE Gnanavel Raja of Studio Green decided to release Kanguva on October 10. The makers of Kanguva reasoned that theatres in Tamil Nadu were perfectly capable of handling two movies of this scale and size simultaneously.

    There is some truth in that observation, as this won't be the first or last time that two big-star movies clash at the box office in Tamil Nadu. However, Lyca seems to be facing pressure from their streaming partner to postpone the release to Deepavali so it doesn't affect the latter's release calendar for this year.

    According to some industry sources, Amazon Prime Video, which is the official streaming partner for both Vettaiyan and Kanguva, is working behind the scenes to ensure these movies don't come out on the same day.

    In recent years, streaming platforms have emerged as powerful players in the film industry. They are one of the main revenue sources that help producers offset most of the box office risks. So much so that the streamers now have a say in when a film should or shouldn't be released.

    Lyca had reportedly blocked the Deepavali holiday for Ajith Kumar's upcoming Vidaamuyarchi. However, it is now unlikely to happen.