Amitabh Bachchan's South Delhi family home sold for Rs. 23 crores, new owners to demolish property
Amitabh Bachchan has sold his South Delhi home which he shared with his parents before moving to Mumbai.
Amitabh Bachchan has sold his family home on South Delhi. The Bollywood mega star’s property in New Delhi’s Gulmohar Park called Sopan will now be demolished by the new owners who intend to replace the old structure with a new one.
Sopan was home to Amitabh Bachchan’s parents legendary poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan. The house has been purchased by Avni Bader, CEO of Nezone group of companies according to reports who paid Rs. 23 crores for the house.
The new owner while talking to ETimes spoke of his plans for Amitabh Bachchan’s former home, "It’s an old construction, so we will demolish the structure and construct as per our requirements. We have been living in the area for many years and were looking for an additional property. When this offer came, we immediately said yes and acquired the asset."
Avni Bader has apparently known the Bachchan family for nearly 35 years and lives close by in Gulmohar Park. The Bollywood star apparently lived in the house before moving to Mumbai with his parents and his mother was a member of the Gulmohar Park Housing Society.
The property is spread over 418.05 square-meters and the registry for it was completed on was completed on December 7.
Amitabh Bachchan attended Kirorimal College in New Delhi while his mother was journalist in the city. The actor currently lives in Mumbai in his home Jalsa, one of his many properties in the city. He also has homes Janak and Prateeksha, and has a property called Vatsa too. Last year the actor invested in a duplex apartment spread over 5,184 sq ft. in Atlantis an under construction residential project, in Mumbai’s Andheri suburb.
The Bachchan family owns a property in Allahabad, the actor’s native place in Uttar Pradesh.