'If Hugh was gay, he'd date Brad Pitt!’: When Deborra-Lee Furness slammed rumors about Hugh Jackman

    Deborra-Lee Furness addressed and dismissed old rumors about then-husband Hugh Jackman's sexuality with humor and candor.

    Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness (Source: InStyle)

    Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness (Source: InStyle)

    Looking back through the lens of time, the gossip that once attempted to shadow Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness' relationship seems even more outlandish today. It was during a candid moment on the Not an Overnight Success podcast that Furness, with her trademark blend of humor and forthrightness, addressed the whispers that had long swirled around her then-husband's sexuality. "Hugh's been gay for whatever, I mean, hello guys — if he was gay, he could be gay!" she stated, dispelling the rumors with logic as refreshing as it was unapologetic. Furness, with a laugh, continued, "He'd be dating Brad Pitt, or whatever." The insinuation was clear: the idea was as preposterous as it was irrelevant to the truth of their relationship.

    Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness (Source: People)

    Defending their love in the public eye

    Back in 2020, the rumor mill had churned when Furness jokingly remarked on Anh's Brush With Fame about the absurdity of celebrity speculation. "I was gay too," she quipped, highlighting the ridiculousness of rumor mongers. Beyond the jokes, however, she also took a firm stance against the invasive and oftentimes rude assumptions, particularly those that undermined her own worth by suggesting she was lucky to be with Jackman. Her response to such claims was as sharp as it was deserved: "Lucky? Like I won a chook chicken raffle."

    Through the years, Furness has consistently demonstrated that the power of a shared life lies not in the shadow of speculation, but in the light of lived truth. Unfortunately, Deborra-Lee Furness and Hugh Jackman got separated in September 2023.

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