From the 70s Show to jail: A complete timeline of Danny Masterson's rape trial

    A Glimpse into the Danny Masterson Case: A Timeline of Events Leading to the 2023 Verdict.

    From the 70s Show to jail: A complete timeline of Danny Masterson's rape trial

    In 2020, actor Danny Masterson of 'That '70s Show' fame faced charges of forcibly raping three women in incidents spanning between 2001 and 2003. After pleading not guilty in January 2021, the stage was set for a gripping trial that culminated on May 31, 2023.

    So let us take a look at the timeline of the events.

    March 3, 2017

    The Los Angeles Police Department begins investigating the actor following complaints from three women, who claimed Masterson assaulted them in the early 2000s.

    The victims who were also Scientologists claimed that the church of Scientology pressured them not to file charges at the time. Danny Masterson denied the allegations.

    Nov. 2, 2017

    A fourth victim accuses the actor of sexual assault, The LAPD began interviewing the accusers in late 2016 and had submitted their findings to the district attorney in April 2017.

    Nov. 16, 2017

    Actress Chrissie Carnell, who also worked alongside Masterson on That 70s Show also comes forward with accusations against the actor. The actress also called out Netflix for continuing to work with the actor.

    Dec. 4, 2017

    One of the victims claimed that a Netflix executive told her that he did not believe in the allegation against the actor, Netflix later confirmed that this was true and the executive in question, Andy Yeatman, then director of global kids content had been fired.

    Dec. 5, 2017

    Netflix fired Danny Masterson from the sitcom The Ranch, in which he starred alongside Ashton Kutcher, Masterson continued to deny the allegations.

    Dec. 20, 2017

    Actress Bobette Riales, who dated Masterson in the 2000s also came forward as another victim of the actor. Riales tweeted "I stayed quiet long enough," she tweeted. "Danny Masterson repeatedly raped me."

    Jan. 4, 2018

    United Talent Agency, which had represted Masterson for the last 20 years offically cut ties with him.

    Aug. 12, 2019

    Four accused filed a lawsuit against the actor and the Chruch of Scientology for stalking and intimidation after they came forward.

    June 17, 2020

    Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office announced that Masterson has been charged with raping three women.

    Prosecutors claim that Masterson assaulted a 23-year-old woman in 2001, a 28-year-old woman in April 2003, and another 23-year-old woman between October and December 2003.

    June 17, 2020

    The actor was arrested and then later released on Bond, Masterson continued to claim that the charges against him were false.

    Nov. 2, 2020

    Masterson pleaded not guilty to the charges in November 2020. His lawyer asserted that the allegations were false and motivated by a desire to damage Masterson's career.

    May, 2021

    The case advanced to a week-long preliminary hearing in May 2021. During this intensive session, three of the women who had accused Masterson took the stand. They provided detailed testimonies regarding the alleged assaults, painting a vivid and disturbing picture of their encounters with Masterson.

    Oct. 18, 2022

    The trial officially begins with both parties issuing opening statements.

    May 31, 2023

    Danny Masterson is convicted of 2 counts of rape by the jury after seven days of deliberating.

    September 7, 2023

    Danny Masterson is sentenced to 30 years to life by the court. One of the victims said “You are pathetic, disturbed, and completely violent,” she continued. “The world is better off with you in prison.”