Eugenia Cooney: The controversial YouTube star who shook the Internet

    Throwback to 2016 when YouTube star Eugenia Cooney faced public scrutiny and a petition over concerns about her appearance and its influence on fans.

    Eugenia Cooney

    Eugenia Cooney

    It was in 2016 when the internet was abuzz, not with the latest viral trend, but a simmering controversy surrounding YouTube influencer Eugenia Cooney. As the influence of social media personalities skyrocketed, so did the concerns about their impact on impressionable young minds.

    Almost a decade ago, a petition demanding the temporary removal of Eugenia Cooney from YouTube gathered momentum, attracting nearly 14,000 signatures. The reason? Concerns over the YouTuber's ultra-thin appearance. With close to 900,000 subscribers, Cooney's beauty and style-centred videos had a considerable reach. Yet, it was the underlying message, intentional or not, about body image that caused alarm.

    The petition flagged concerns about young fans emulating Cooney's physique, with claims of some going to extreme lengths to do so. "She knows that she's influencing young teenage girls into thinking being 60 lbs. is normal," wrote Lynn Cloud, the petition's creator. While it's crucial to remember that everyone's body is unique, the issue was the potential propagation of unhealthy body standards.

    Cooney, amidst the raging storm, maintained her composure. While she never explicitly addressed allegations of an eating disorder, she did emphasize her natural slender frame. She candidly expressed the pain the campaign against her was causing. "I just don't really feel like that's ever really a good thing to do to people, guys," Cooney remarked, underlining the emotional toll of cyberbullying.

    Eugenia Cooney

    However, the controversy shed light on a broader, ever-pertinent issue: body image and its societal implications. With around 30 million Americans affected by eating disorders, body positivity and mental health remain paramount. The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) highlighted how negative body image can lead to feelings of depression, isolation, and weight loss obsessions.

    While the internet was quick to jump to conclusions regarding Cooney's health, it's essential to approach such sensitive topics with care and empathy. Offering "loving and supportive" responses while avoiding blame or shame is crucial, as advised by NEDA.

    The Eugenia Cooney controversy of 2016 wasn't merely about a YouTube influencer's physique. It opened a larger dialogue on the power, responsibility, and potential ramifications of online personalities on impressionable viewers. As we take a nostalgic look back, it's a stark reminder of the ever-evolving relationship between social media, influence, and societal standards.

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