Dax Shepard & Kristen Bell's grand gesture towards tenants during pandemic

    Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard waived April rent for their LA tenants during the COVID-19 crisis.

    Dax Shephard and Kristen Bell (Source: InStyle)

    Dax Shephard and Kristen Bell (Source: InStyle)

    In a world that often showcases the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, it's refreshing to revisit a moment where stars like Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard have extended a hand of real-world kindness. The duo became the embodiment of compassion during the tumultuous times of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting that for some in Tinseltown, hearts are as golden as the trophies on their shelves. They waived the April rent for tenants of their Los Angeles properties, a beacon of light during the storm of uncertainty. Their act of generosity was not isolated; they also donated an admirable sum to No Kid Hungry—a gesture sparked by their daughters' willingness to contribute from their piggy banks.

    This decision, back in the spring of 2020, made headlines for all the right reasons, showcasing a side of celebrities that public often craves to see—the human side. Bell, known for her role in The Good Place, took to social media, using the powerful hashtag #peopleoverprofit, effectively underlining their priorities in a time of crisis.

    Dax Shephard and Kristen Bell (Source: Today Show)

    The ripple effect of celebrity influence

    The couple's initiative came at a time when the state of California was hard hit by the pandemic, with over 50 deaths and a climbing count of affected individuals. The move resonated deeply with the public, shining a spotlight on the power of positive celebrity influence. As Bell shared on Instagram, their daughters' involvement added a touch of innocence to the donation, with an additional $7.96 coming straight from their savings. "I couldn't have been prouder to add that extra, and important 7 dollars and 96 cents," Bell expressed, a statement that highlighted the couple's values and the lessons they are imparting to the next generation.

    Looking back, it's moments like these that persist in the collective memory, a testament to the goodness that emerges in times of hardship. The narrative spun by Shepard and Bell goes beyond the on-screen stories they tell—it's a narrative of empathy and action. In an industry often characterized by excess, Bell and Shepard's decision to prioritize the well-being of their fellow citizens remains a powerful example of genuine benevolence—a throwback that continues to inspire and resonate.

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