Salman Khan’s ex-girlfriend Somy Ali seeks forgiveness from the Bishnoi community on his behalf

    In a recent interview, Salman Khan’s ex-girlfriend Somy Ali has sought forgiveness from the Bishnoi community on his behalf by saying 'all of us will be keep making mistakes till we are alive'

    Salman Khan's ex girlfriend Somy Ali Comes out in his support

    Salman Khan's ex girlfriend Somy Ali Comes out in his support

    After making her Bollywood debut (read ‘dream Bollywood debut’) with the Mithun Chakraborty starrer Krishan Avtaar in the year 1993, Somy Ali went on have establish herself as one of the strongest contenders for the ‘Queen Bee’ position. 

    Just as when she was on her way to reach to the top of the ladder, after having worked with almost all the big names, Somy Ali shocked everyone by announcing that she is packing her bags and leaving B-town forever. Since then, there has been no looking back for Somy Ali, who also happens to be Salman Khan’s ex-girlfriend.

    Speaking about Salman Khan, Somy Ali has expressed her concerns for him in an interview with Hindustan Times in lieu of the Bishnoi community. The former actress Sony Ali, in the said interview, has appealed to the Bishnoi community to forgive Salman Khan. She said that all of us will be keep making mistakes till we are alive as it is human nature (to do so), as it is something that has been innately built within us and that nobody is perfect.

    Recalling the old times, Somy said that she went back to the US at the age of 24 years after her break-up (with Salman Khan), something that the whole world knows. She said that, what's happening to Salman right now, she won't wish upon her enemy what he had been through as no one deserves what he (Salman Khan) had been through. She added that her prayers were with Salman Khan and that she would never ever wish something like that to happen to anyone, be it Salman, Shah Rukh or her neighbour.

    She added that, if one was attempting to kill someone or firing bullets on the opposite person, then, they were crossing the line. In the same breath, she added that, even though she herself does not support hunting as a sport, the said incident had taken place many years ago (in the year 1998), when Salman Khan was much younger.

    She added that she wanted to request the head of the Bishnoi tribe to forget about it and move on. Somy also rendered an apology on behalf of Salman Khan that if he had made a mistake, then, they should please forgive him. She also added that, be it Salman Khan or anyone else (any common man) for that matter, taking someone's life was not acceptable and that if they want justice, they should move to the court. 

    She also stated that harming Salman Khan would not bring back the blackbuck and that, whatever had happened cannot be changed now. She also requested them (the Bishnoi community) to let the bygones be bygones.