Priyanka Chopra's New York restaurant Sona to shut down

    After Priyanka Chopra ended her partnership with the New York restaurant Sona, the latest update is that, it is now shutting down

    Priyanka Chopra's New York restaurant Sona to shut down

    Priyanka Chopra's New York restaurant Sona to shut down

    It’s always said that all good things must come to an end. Little must have anyone thought that one day, the New York City based restaurant Sona too will be facing a shut down. For the unversed, Sona happens to be a New York City based restaurant, which had the ‘global Indian’ Priyanka Chopra as their partner.

    Looking back, the said restaurant was inaugurated around three years ago with a traditional and customary ritual of an Indian puja ceremony. The latest update on the said restaurant is that it will be shutting down permanently after they serve their final brunch on June 30.

    With the name of Priyanka Chopra associated with the restaurant, it was indeed very famous amongst the celebrities who were wanting to savour the taste of Indian cuisine in New York. The news about the shutting down of its operations permanently was shared by the restaurant on Instagram.

    As per the post that the Sona restaurant had posted on social media, it read, ‘After more than three remarkable years, Sona will be closing. We have immense gratitude for everyone who walked through our doors. It’s been our greatest honor to serve you. SONA’s final service will be brunch on Sunday, June 30. We hope to see you for a final meal or drink. Our doors and arms are open’.

    For the unversed, Sona, which happened to be a ‘Michelin Recommended’ restaurant, was opened in the year 2021. A few months ago, in a media statement (gist), Priyanka Chopra’s spokesperson said that, ‘she had stepped away from her partnership at Sona and that bringing Sona to life will invariably be a proud and significant moment in her career’. The statement added that she had always endeavoured to bring Indian culture to the fore through storytelling, whether that's via engaging content for film and TV or a beautifully plated dish that embodied the haute cuisine of India’. Towards the end, it mentioned that, ‘stepping away from Sona allowed her to broaden these ambitions on a more global scale, and that she was excited about the possibilities that awaited.