12 Quotes By Deepika Padukone Which Voice Every Girl's Emotions!
Deepika Padukone Voics Every Girl's Emotions!

It is not easy being Deepika Padukone, because it's not easy for any of us! Is it?
She worked her way up and carved her own destiny, and if common people believe in themselves, they too can make it big! Before becoming the star she is, she too was yet another girl from a closely knit family and a few of her quotes remind us of her being just like one of us!
Isn't that your story?
She's too humble to say that and it is indeed true!
Reality check 101!
Until you find out...
And you thought she was born that way?
Ok women?
If only every girl could feel that way!
There's hope my dear!
True that!
The best of people go through this!
Updated: January 05, 2020 04:44 PM IST
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